» Scripture Of The Week
Genesis 3:15

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise ...
Thursday, May 16, 2024  read more »

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About Trinity Stone
Trinity Stone Christian Fellowship Center is a God fearing Faith Based Non-denominational Church that spreads The Gospel of The Kingdom, Love of God and Jesus Christ to the nations! We are serving and hugging you back to life.

Inspired by God, Trinity Stone Christian Fellowship was founded in Chicago, Illinois on March 16, 2016 at 3AM.

The Final Call:
It was on a cold March Night in 2016 when Pastor Michael went to do work for a client at a restaurant. That special night of destiny propelled Michael into answering The Call of God on his life. This restaurant was supposed to stay open until 11PM. However, one of the workers came to me and this older gentleman and let us know that we could stay in the restaurant as long as we wanted. The gentleman talked to me about his life in the military, how he believed God would bring him home, and about tithing.

We stayed in the restaurant until about 2AM. That is when my body told my mind, "Dude, you are tired". So I decided I Am tired and proceeded to leave. So the older gentleman asked me, "What do you do?". He was speaking of my profession. I responded that I Am an entrepreneur who builds websites and creates college events for high school students. He said, "So you are a leader?". I said, yes, you can call me a leader. Then he turned to me with conviction and said, "No! You are a Pastor! You are a founding Pastor! Has anyone ever told you that?" I could not deny what he said. Prior to him saying that, the Bishop and Assistant Pastor in the Church that I grew up in, said the same thing (You are a Pastor) in 1999. As well, there was a Prophet that stopped me in the aisle on the Northside of Chicago in 2012 as I was on a mission to buy groceries for my family.

That Prophet who stopped me in the aisle let me know that an Apostolic Anointing was on my life and that I was under good teaching. But he let me know that I will build a Church. In 2014, as my Pastor was bringing The Word forth, Holy Spirit confirmed saying, "You Are A Pastor". So, that Night of 2016 was more confirmation as the older gentleman spoke.

The Conviction That Night:
As we left the restaurant, the older gentleman talked to me for another hour in the cold. I noticed he had a cross on and no coat. During the conversation on the inside of the restaurant, he let me know that he was about 80 years old and did not live in the area. So, as he talked, I was shaking cold and he did not budge. The cold had no effect. I knew he was an Angel sent to get me to answer The Call. What convicted me was when he said, "It is better for 100 people to be strung out on drugs than for you not to answer The Call!". That hit me!

Next I got in my prayer closet on that early morning of March 16, 2016 and The Lord downloaded Trinity Stone Fellowship into my spirit. And that is how Trinity Stone Christian Fellowship Center was birthed.

We are the Church, tried by The Fire of God, Concealed by Holy Spirit and we stand on The Chief Corner Stone, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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Come dwell in The House built on The Rock, Jesus Christ, The Chief Corner Stone. For it is good and pleasant to worship with brethren in unity.

  Trinity Stone Christian Fellowship Center
  111 Pleasant Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210

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