» Scripture Of The Week
Job 27:2-7

As God liveth, who hath taken away my judgment; and the Almighty, who hath vexed my soul; All the wh...
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   Scripture Of The Week

Psalm 5:12 KJV
Praise The LORD Saints! Did you know that the Angels of Goodness and Mercy follow you and me all the days of our life? Why? Because you are the righteous of God through Jesus Christ!

Not only do they surround you and me, but we are protected by The Angel of The LORD who encamps around those who fear The LORD.

Now fearing The Lord is not in the sense of fear that the world or humans think of, no, it is having a respect of The Word Of God and The LORD! So, The word clearly tells the Believer, that if we respect The LORD our God, His Angel is ready to do war and go to battle on our behalf. Say Amen to that!

What About The Favor Of The LORD?
I was reading Psalm 5:12 in the King James that other day. I find it interesting what The Word says about favor.

Psalm 5:12 KJV says,
For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; With favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

This is telling the Believer that His favor, just like the Angel of The LORD is surrounding us like a shield. People, your enemies and the adversary can not penetrate the favor in your life.

Scripture tells us that God gives us brand new mercies every morning, that is the favor of God that we are protected by. How about the grace of God? That is the favor of God that we are protected by. And what about God being longsuffering that not be lost? Is not that the favor that we are protected by. We just have to believe in Jesus and confess Him as Lord. Amen!

Folks, we are Protected By The Favor Of God.

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Be Blessed,
Pastor Michael


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