Even Jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do.
Even Apostle Peter denied Jesus as if he didn/`/t role with Him. Dey was like, didn/`/t Jesus preach at yo Mother-In-Law/`/ house when those guys tore a hole in her roof? Peter was like, I don/`/t know Him! Denying 3 times, dat man even proceeded to cussin like... What da what#@*! I don/`/t know Dat Man!!!
But Jesus didn/`/t trip, in fact He said in John 21:5, Children do you have any meat? Jesus forgave Peter and interceeded for Peter prior to when satan desired to sift Peter as wheat.
Jesus didn/`/t even remind Peter of the mishap nor did Jesus deny Peter before The Father.
So, forgive and regardless of how or what a person has done to you, remember, God orders your steps and what they meant for evil, HE uses it for your good.
God still loves them and can use them in a mighty way. They just have to understand who they are in Christ so they can reach destiny.